Monday, June 22, 2020

Blogiversary - Ask Me Anything!


I missed it. 

The nineteenth of June was my third blogiversary!

AND in honor of that, I shall be doing an "Ask Me Anything" post!! Any questions you list in the comments below shall be answered in a follow-up post probably sometime in July (so precise, I'm very good at scheduling, cough cough). So, ask away! 

(I know I don't HAVE to say this, but of course, as always, I won't answer any inappropriate, rude, or extremely personal questions, so don't ask me what my social security number know the drill. :D :D ) 


  1. Woohoo! Congrats! Questions:
    Favorite TV show?
    Favorite STAR WARS movie?
    Last book you read?
    The first novel that you remember reading?
    Last movie that you saw in a theater (when they were open)?
    A super underrated movie that you love?

  2. That's so awesome!
    Do you like scrapbooking?
    Favorite outfit style?
    Paperback or hardcover?

  3. /CONGRATS!!!/

    I like asking questions. XD XD

    1. Dark, milk, or white chocolate?
    2. Current favorite fictional ship?
    3. What was the last book that you bought?
    4. Favorite fictional villain?
    5. Current favorite song?

  4. My 10 year anniversary is coming up next year! I can't believe how fast it went!

    1. What's your favorite time period?

    2. How old were you when you started writing?

    3. What's your favorite thing about blogging?

    1. Congrats, Ivy! That's fantastic! I know, time has been going super fast lately...
      Thanks for the questions, these will be fun!! :)

  5. Okay, here are my questions:

    1. Out of all of the Star Wars movies, who is your all-time favorite Jedi?

    2. What is a book that you would recommend to basically anyone?

    3. What is your favorite style of music?

    4. Would the world even function if ice cream went extinct?
