Saturday, October 19, 2019

The Sunshine Blogger Tag!

I'm assuming that the title of this post speaks for itself!! I have been tagged for this post by the lovely MiddleEarthMusician, and so let's get straight to the tag! 

1. Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link back to their blog so others can find them. 

Thanks so much, Mem! :D 

2. List the rules and display an award logo on your blog post.

3. Answer the 11 questions the blogger asked you. 

1. What is the most recent book that you finished?

I just last week finished a tiny novel by one of my creative writing was very interesting and moody...more of a "word study" than a "plottish" story, I would say. It left me with just several words revolving constantly in my head: mud, brother, fish, river, was an intriguing read. I don't think I would like it if I didn't know the author, but being able to understand his "voice" (and I can totally imagine him reading it) really made the book interesting. It is called Good, Brother by Peter Markus. 

2. If you could pick any planet in our solar system to visit (besides Earth of course XP), what would it be?

Oooh...I want to go to Pluto. Now, now, why, you ask??? Simply because the poor planet has been denied the status of a planet!!!! How rude!!! I would like to support poor little Pluto.

3. What is your favorite mythical creature?


3. Would you rather own the Batmobile or the Invisible Jet?

I think that I would probably lose the Invisible Jet if I owned it, so the Batmobile is a better choice...

4. Pick a favorite literary quote.

I have many "favorite" literary quotes, but this is a very excellent one from The Hobbit

5. Favorite type of tree?

I have always had a strange affinity for Oak idea why. 

6. What is a book that you have heard tons about but haven’t read yet?

The Hunger Games books...I know, I know, they're practically AnCIeNt now...but I just have never had the desire to read them...*shrugs* 

7. Yoda or Gandalf.

Gandalf by a landslide!!! Not only is he way wiser and probably more helpful in a time of need, he also speaks regular English!!  XD

8. What is a favorite instrumental song of yours?

I really, really love this song by Phil Keaggy. Now, I know it's a "Christmas song," but how can you not love it?? It has such a great feel to it, and makes my heart happy and my foot tap. ya go. 

9. What is an incredibly weird superpower that you would love to have (i.e. the ability to stop people from talking, the power to create instant cupcakes, the ability to talk to frogs)?

The power to always wake up feeling well-rested and not snooze my alarm clock seven times before I get up...'twould be an amazing thing to be able to get up (willingly) whenever was necessary and not have to set alarms for 30 minutes before I *actually* need to be up. 

10. Would you like to be able to balance grapes on your nose for an extended amount of time? (I’m curious, guys.)

Um, YES, absolutely!!! But even better would be the ability to stack grapes up into a tower...without them falling over. 

4. Nominate 11 new blogs to receive the award.

Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....I'm not sure if I've got 11 for you, but I'll at least find a few. If you've already been tagged, done this before, or just don't feel like it...then no pressure!!! :) 

  1. MovieCritic at Movies Meet Their Match
  2. Rachel at A Girl's Place
  3. Ruth at Amongst Spring Blossoms
  4. R.M. at The Book Hound
  5. Natalie at Ramblings of a Redhead Girl
  6. Miss Woodhouse at Notes From a Hartfield Girl
  7. And last but not least, Josiah at The Eclectic Presby
(Haha, seven is good enough! :P) 

5. Ask the nominees 11 new questions. 

  1. Would you rather be able to run really fast (like, think Dash from The Incredibles) or swim like a fish (unable to breathe, but super fast and nimble)? 
  2. What is the most ridiculous bit of trivia that is floating in your brain right now? 
  3. What is the worst possible name to give your child? 
  4. What is your favorite smell? 
  5. If money wasn't an option, what kind of jewels would you adorn yourself with on a special occasion? 
  6. What song(s) especially compel you to sing along even if you don't know all the words? 
  7. What is your favorite classic Disney cartoon? (Or favorite cartoon in general)
  8. What would be a perfect weekend, in your opinion? 
  9. If you had a pseudonym (or if you had to change your present one), what would you call yourself?
  10. What is your favorite spot for reading, writing, or internet-ing in your house/apartment?
  11. And lastly: what is your opinion on cilantro? 
Well, thanks again very much Mem!!!! This was great fun. :D 


  1. Ohh yay!!! You did the tag!!! I'm so glad you enjoyed it!!! :-D
    Ooh, that book sounds really cool actually... :-O DRAGONS YES YES YES. I LOVE that quote from The Hobbit. <33 GANDALF. <333 YES. Ooh, that ability with grapes would be very epic indeed. XP

    1. Yes, 'twas exceedingly fun! :D
      It was a very interesting read...I'm still trying to decide if I liked it or not!
      "We have...dragons!" XD
      Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's one of the best passages in The Hobbit.
      (Actually, there was a character in a draft of one of my books who was attempting to stack grapes in a tower, and so...your question brought it to mind!) :D
