Monday, October 22, 2018

Introducing...The Characters that Fill My Brain, Part 2: Prince Rhondin

Can you believe it's October 22 already??? I can't...I mean, a few days ago (it seems) the school year was starting and now I have just finished up with my midterm exams! How is that even possible? 

Anyway. That's beside the point, but still a valid topic of conversation...but today's topic is the second part of my blog series about my books' main-ish characters! Today, I shall endeavor to introduce you to Prince Rhondin (if I can find him, he might have run off somewhere to find a snack).


In the first book, the prince (I ALWAYS call him "the prince," so get used to it) is sixteen. At the very end of everything, I believe he is nineteen. He matures more in character than in age, though--at the beginning he is, I will admit, a rather bratty, entitled young man, but when certain *things* happen, over time, he gets much better. He would never dream of putting himself before his friends and his people in the end. 


"...short, unruly hair that looked like it couldn't decide 
whether it was dark blond or light brown, 
but was starting to tend more toward brown.  
He had gray-brown eyes that almost gave an air of innocence...
his jaw was angular and square, and he had a sort of pointy nose."

Of course that was in the very beginning when he was still quite young. He got taller over the three years of the trilogy, and yes, his hair finally decides to be brown. As far as "casting" goes, I have not found a single person on this earth that looks like Rhondin. 


Well, of course, his father is the king of their country, and his mother is the queen. He doesn't have any siblings, but he does have an uncle, the king's brother. Now, Rhondin's uncle is named Nevl, and he is actually the king of the northern half of their country. You see, the country (which is called Bdellith, which is an awful name but I love the place) was split peacefully into two portions, the north and the south, and each brother rules one half of the collective country, though they are essentially two different places. 

Rhondin nodded thoughtfully.  “Yeah, that sounds like Uncle Nevl.
  Be careful with him—if he ever offers you coffee, don’t.”
          “Don’t what?”
          “Just don’t.  You know, elephants and all.  It doesn’t go.”
          “Elephants?  Go where?” 


For one, Allyn, who was introduced in the last post.  They get along pretty well, at least, they do once they stop hating each other. They still nag at each other and really, really annoy each other quite often, and there's a lot of teasing, but they're still good friends. Rhondin doesn't have any siblings, so he enjoys having a friend who isn't intimidated by his position as a prince. He is also friends with his country's captain of the guard, who is sort of like an uncle to him, and several other soldiers or servants in the castle. Oh, and of course, how could I forget! He is also a good friend of a man named Dehmatthir (yes I know it's hard to pronounce: here: dem-AH-teer), who has been around for a long time (more on him next week though). They have a lot of fun. 

“You woke up!” yelled Rhondin.
          Dehmatthir raised an eyebrow at him.  
“Thank you for stating the blindingly obvious.”

Rhondin finally got up to join them, stuffing a piece of bread into his mouth as he went. 
He chewed and swallowed as quickly as possible, and then immediately hiccuped. "Aw, come on!" 
Dehmatthir and Allyn turned and looked at him.
"That's what you get," said Dehmatthir. 
They turned back to the window.

Skills (or Un-Skills): 

Rhondin is a pretty good swordsman, especially for his age. He's also a good rider, has a decent singing voice, is a great dancer, and is generally good with animals. He tends to be a little clumsy sometimes, and is horrible at keeping a straight face, but he's great at hiding, climbing, and generally is a very active person. He can't cook at all, but he's great at snitching snacks from the castle kitchen. He also isn't the greatest at small talk, but is always good at lifting people's spirits and lightening the mood of their situations. 


Heights, or rather, falling from them. He's terrified of girls (well, to some extent...he would say that he's scared of "girly" girls), and even the smallest mention of anything romantic disgusts him (though maybe that's a "dislike" not a "fear"). He also has some fear of responsibility, growing up watching his father rule the kingdom--it's a huge responsibility that he's sure he'll never be ready for. 

Loves (or Likes, I suppose): 

Good food in abundance (particularly cookies and other sweets), lively music, a casual dance, teasing in good fun, his horse, laughing so hard that he can't breathe, the feeling of victory, not brushing his hair in the morning, sleeping in, knowing that his parents (particularly his father) are proud of him. 

Five words/phrases that describe this character's personality 
(to prevent me from rambling any more):

Loyal, cheerful, easygoing, brave, never gives up.

Songs that remind me of this character 
(for any reason, this does not mean that I necessarily support or agree with the musical group, and nor does it mean that the song is EXACTLY like my character, it may have several lines that are "right" or could just have the right "feel."): 

And Lastly...a collage!


  1. Oh my word, Rhondin sounds hilarious. XD Love all the aesthetics!!!

    1. Haha, thank you! :D (I have to admit he is one of my very favorite characters...) Thanks so much! :)
