Saturday, May 23, 2020

So...You Haven't Posted In Over A Month....


I have been pretty absent from the world of blogging lately, and it seems as if I begin every post saying something to that extent. I have a tag on my list of posts to write, I have movies that need to be reviewed, and the world is so much in turmoil that I could potentially write a "serious" post about how I view current events and such living in Michigan, where so many things are going on. 

But instead, I just binge The Clone Wars...

Oh well, there are worse things. I have never watched the series before, so it's nice to see something new, I suppose! I wasn't totally sold watching the first few episodes, but they are growing on me! And I'm already a quarter of the way through the second season! My husband and I are also watching The Adventures of Merlin, which is thoroughly fun. As a blogger, I've heard TONS about the show, but never actually sat down and watched it, and, well, quarantine is full of opportunities! It's quite fun--I could criticize its faults, but I prefer to enjoy the escapades, silliness, and melodrama, rather than dismiss it. Also, it's a great source of memes and hilarity. 


What else have I been up to that has distracted me from blogging so much?? Well...since the public libraries are closed, I haven't been working, but I did finish a rewrite of my novel and I am starting to send out query letters to literary agents! It's exciting, scary, and a bit nerve-wracking...but I'm trying to be calm and positive about it. I have a tendency to plummet to the depths of despair at rejection, but as I was researching traditional publishing/agents, I have learned that rejection is normal and if an agent sends you packing, it's probably for your own good; it wasn't meant to be. I probably won't make any progress for months, but it doesn't hurt to try! 

As far as writing goes, that's about all that I've been doing. I'm planning to work on my Honors College senior thesis in June, so you'll probably hear about that, but most novels are paused except for jotting down ideas/notes, and for working on agents/queries. 

With that being said, I would love to hear any ideas for further posts this summer! I PROMISE I will get around to finishing up the last post I was tagged for, and I would really like to review The Rise of Skywalker or maybe Merlin once I've finished it. I'm also thinking of doing an "Ask Me Anything" post next month, but I am eagerly seeking out new ideas! I hope you are well...and I shall leave you now to tag yourself as a Pride and Prejudice character in quarantine: 


  1. XD That opening was great!

    Honestly I've been doing the same. I have a million things I could do, but I've watched a lot of things instead. Hey, I started Merlin, too!! It's so good! I would enjoy your review on it as well as Rise of Skywalker!

    Okay, the P&P characters is hilarious! XD

    1. Haha, thanks MC! :D

      I know, I keep thinking "oh, that's something to do...but..." then I don't! XD Oh well! Yay! I have enjoyed Merlin immensely; it was even better than I expected it to be! I will plan on reviewing both (I make no promises as to how soon :P) sometime!

      I found it quite funny too! :D Thanks!

  2. Merlin is awesome! I have so many great memories watching that show.

    I’ve always wanted to see The Clone Wars and what I’ve heard about it has always been positive too.

    1. I agree, Ivy! It's so much fun to watch together with someone. :)

      I was skeptical about it at started out much more like a kids' TV show, but as the series progresses (about halfway through the first season is when I noticed it), it gets better and less childish -- although, of course, it is still kid-friendly as far as I have watched!

      Thanks, Ivy! :)

  3. YAY YOU LIVE!!! :DD <33
    Ack, CONGRATS on getting ready to send out query letters!!! That's so awesome!!! I'd love to see a post review on Merlin, that would be really fun!
    Hmmm, I'm probably Lizzie/Mary in that character tag post. XD That's amazing.

    1. I do!!! XD
      Hahaha, thank you!
      They are pretty amazing! I was skeptical at first, but, like most shows, they get better as they continue...
      Aww, thanks so much! :) Once I finish the series, I will plan on doing a review!
      Yeah, probably me too... :P
      Thanks, Mem! :)
